Saturday, February 9, 2008

My latest invention!

I always thought it would be cool to integrate robotics into deer hunting somehow. Last night I had a revelation and thought - "hell, if I can come up with a robot that blends in AND hands me beers, then I would be all set!!".

So I got out my cans of Mossy Oak paints and went to work. Hell, 3 hours later and I think I've come up with a masterpiece that's sure to make me money!

The rest of this weekend will be spent designing the gripper. I'm trying to incorporate can opening into the fingers - hell, we'll see what I come up with!

Stay tuned!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Are you a Robo-redneck?

Damn if I don't get emails from all over these parts relative to what people think a robo-redneck is. Hell, most of them are so funny, that I thought I'd show you a few.

You know you're a robo-redneck if:

  • the new Hickory Splash flavor from Skoal tastes just like some guy you know named Donnie’s Brown-Eye Surprise.
  • you thought you were hung like a horse until you somebody told you that 10mm isn’t the same as 10 inches.
  • your resume is really just a collection of all of the things you’ve heard of but never actually done
  • you believe that using Skoal gives you the super powers necessary to program a robot
  • you somehow program robots at an adult level but speak and write at a 2nd grade level
  • you think “Fanuc” and “Denso” are fancy Karma Sutra positions
  • after dropping out you never went back for your GED because you “don’t need one of them there fancy pieces of paper that tells everybody you ‘Got Et Done’
  • you keep getting DUI’s because you think those yellow plates sure are pretty
  • because you work on one of them fancy computer things you believe yourself to be the Alpha Male of the trailer park
Damn, my fans are funny!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Transformers are really robots!

Who wouldn't love working with robots? And if you love working with robots, then you gotta love Transformers. I mean, those robots are way cool and can articulate like you can't believe.

I had this really cool design that I worked up, and I prototyped it and tried to sell it, but they didn't like it. Hell, this one has it all man - just check out the fetures:

The body is fashioned after a 1969 camper that I use whenever I go on remote service calls. My camper serves two purposes - during hunting season I park it out in the woods, load it with beer, and use it as a deer blind. Hell, it even has the same colors as the trees.

The Bud launcher is another idea I tried to patent. I thought it would be way cool to launch beers at NASCAR events - you know - kinda like launching shirts at a ball game. Anyway, I went to Kentucky Speedway to try my prototype, but I'll be damned if my first launch hit some pregnant chick in the temple - flattened her 14 year old ass out!!!

The mullet is just one of those stereotype things I thought would be cool. Hell, I don't have a mullet. And the smokes - hell you gotta have them.

And a pistol grip shotgun!!! HELL YEAH!!!

My latest creation!

I guess my biggest passion besides robots is fixing up cars. This is my latest - God I love this thing. I thought of mounting a Yaskawa on the dash board to hand me my Bud Lites, but I hate japanese robots. Hell, I even mounted a cooler to the passenger floor board - the end of arm tooling was a thing of beauty.